
The bed - Mankind’s Greatest Invention

What would we do without the humble bed? In a world with a million different technological devices, the internet, High Definition TV, DVD mobile phones and so on, what would we do without our cosy cots? Think about it in todays sleep. My girlfriend and I recently moved. So, we had the big white van booked to move our gear, and while we were at it (moving that is), we noticed on Free-cycle someone was giving away a bed air swimmers So having a bed that was all squeaks and creaks and threatening to disassemble itself with no warning we called and organised to collect it. Thankfully the air angry bird They also used for eating and general entertainment purposes, it was essentially a hole cut into a wall with some soft materials added. By the 1600s the design had been developed a bit further and was now a wooden frame with straps criss-crossing in-between. Along the way they added to this design and now we obviously have the mattress, springs, headboards all kinds of designs, drawers added underneath etc. Not forgetting the space age mattresses that absorb you (presumably to prevent the numbness in your arm when cuddling your partner.) And to end surely we have all seen the Ikea advert, where perhaps Doink represents the true future RC Air Swimmers of bed testing - a large mechanical device that pounds the bed a thousand (or whatever) times to make sure it will last a lifetime! Personally I reckon those beds would last even longer if they didns greatest invention.

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