
Is Your Vacuum Cleaner Harming Your Family

What should you consider when choosing a healthy vacuum cleaner? The main points are how well it removes the dirt plus how it retains power and also how well it captures the soilThe agitation is the first stage and means how well the machine dislodges the dry soil (dust etc). Uprights have brushes underneath that open the pile and loosen the dirt. The ones that seem to have the best effect (raising the pile) have a motor built into the base that powers a brush or beater bar. Marc Jacobs Handbags This gives the brushes additional power to get the dirt out. You can often see the difference when you compare a machine with a separate motor to one without. Most people agree that the fibres are raised and separated more with a dual drive systemThe second thing to look at is how the machine lifts the dirt.In other words, how effective the vacuum system is.The two most typical filtration systems are bags or cyclones.Bags, whether paper or cloth tend to work well for a short period. Once they start to clog, their performance drops considerably.Their suction drops dramatically, after the bag has started to fill with dust.The next type is the cyclone. These are very effective, especially when they contain multi stage air cleaning systems.{The cyclone, in contrast, extracts the dust by spinning it really quickly so that it gets thrown out of the side.|You must use a filterprocedure that removes dust and dirt without obstructing the bag or the filters. The solution is a spinner or cyclone system.|Cyclone systems get around this "clogging" situation by making use of centrifugal force. Remember when you were a child and you played on a merry go round? When you went faster and faster you had to Gucci Peggy hold on for all you were worth to stop being thrown of the outer edge. It's the same for the dirt. It gets thrown out of the airflow and falls into a container.}Because there is no real restriction on the airflow, the machine can operate close to it's full potential for long periods of time. This is in contrast to the physical barrier approach (bags) that severely cut down the airflow. That restriction can lead to at best, a thermal overload switch cutting in, or worse a fire starting.In the time I have been involved with carpet cleaning Dior Birmingham, I've found that healthwise, is the one that is most essential to health. The third thing to look for is how well the machine contains the extracted dirt.If you do not contain and remove this dust you could be breathing it back in almost Bally Handbags straight away. Some can be fine enough to cause you some real problems.Very small particles of dust are very hazardous to your health.You have to look for a system that contains as much as possible.A great way to keep the indoor air clean is to use water to capture the dirt.The principle is that once the dust has been blown into the water it cannot escape.The tub vacuums use this system.You half fill the tub with tap water and the dust is blown on to the water as it comes up the pipe into the machine. The dust gets caught by the water and cannot go any further. In no time at all the once clean water becomes full of dust and resembles mud. Meanwhile, the clean air is passed back into the room (minus the dust).How do we choose the best process? Can we combine all the best characteristics?In an ideal world I would go for an upright with a separate motor to power the brush. This would have a water filtration system to capture the dust.Having a water filtration system on an upright is fraught with danger because the water has to be kept level. If you do not, the water will enter the vacuum motor and destroy it in seconds. The very action of moving the handle backwards and forwards means that the water rocks back and forth. This effectively rules out a water filtered upright. Or does it?You could compromise and go for a water filtration vacuum with a separately powered electrical brush head.Your choice will be an important one. It's best to take your time and weigh up the options. If you get it wrong then at best you may have a machine that is totally wrong for your needs. At worse, you could be risking the long term health of yourself and your family.

